Our dentists are dedicated to upholding the highest of standards in patient care and satisfaction.
- Digital x-rays provide nearly 80% less radiation than a standard x-ray.
- Computer Technology allows us to be paperless and easily access any pertinent dental information
- DIAGNOdent laser assists us in diagnosing cavities while they are small and in their early stages. This advanced technology helps to preserve a greater amount of your tooth structure by uncovering dental decay before it progresses too far.
- Digital Photography aids us in diagnosis, treatment planning, patient communications, shade matching and computer imaging. We also have a professional photography studio with soft lighting to take all our glamour “after” portraits. See our Smile Gallery.
- Intra-oral Cameras are ultra small digital cameras to show you what we see.
- Painless Digital Anesthesia, formerly called “The Wand”, is a computer-controlled unit that makes dental injections virtually painless. Patients love this technology.
- Lasers are used during “in office” whitening and tissue recontouring.
- Digital Impressions are completed with the iTero imaging system which allows us to scan your teeth instead of the traditional putty impressions. This is especially beneficial for people who cannot tolerate traditional impressions. If you need cosmetic or general Invisalign
- Same Day Dentistry (CAD/CAM Technology) allows your dentist to restore decayed/broken teeth and place cosmetic restorations in just one appointment. This allows you to have the highest quality, most lifelike dental restorations in just one visit to the dentist…in, out, and on with your busy life.
Chicago Beautiful Smiles is pleased to offer state-of-the-art technology that can help make your visits faster, more comfortable, and more effective than ever before.
At Chicago Beautiful Smiles, we are passionate about our patients. We are uncompromising in our technology, your comfort and in the quality of our work. This is what makes us Chicago Beautiful Smiles. Whether your dental needs are simple or complex, Drs. Hartlieb, Ching and our qualified, caring team is here to help. Come, and enjoy dental care at a North Shore dental office unlike anything you have ever experienced!
Drs. Hartlieb & Ching are general and cosmetic dentists in Glenivew but are also serving dental patients from Chicago and the North Shore area. Let us know how we can take care of you and your family’s dental needs by contacting our office today.