This young woman came in unhappy with a crown on her upper right lateral completed by another dentist. Her previous dentist had completed it 2 years prior and she indicated that the color has always been dark. She was on...
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This patient came to our office having difficulty eating and having pain in his mouth. Unfortunately, he had multiple carious lesions on most of his teeth making most of them unrestorable. He choose a procedure commonl...
This patient came to me concerned about his bite and the unevenness of his teeth. He was worried about wearing away all his tooth structure and was not confident smiling. After an upper and lower arch reconstruction tha...
This patient came to our office having a hard time chewing properly and wanting to improve his smile. The mobility (looseness of his teeth) causing him discomfort during eating also made it difficult to use them to supp...
This 86 yr old snow bird came in because her #teeth were falling apart. She had 6 dental implants and temporaries placed in FL a year prior to coming to our office. She was unaware that the top teeth were temporary. Zi...
This young woman was referred to us by her mother after breaking a few teeth during a serious fall. Root Canal Therapy was completed on her left central incisor. Whitening, three Porcelain Veneers and one Porcelain Crown...
This woman came to our office frustrated that her teeth were breaking and discoloring. Unfortunately, she had multiple carious lesions on all of her teeth making them significantly difficult to restore. Her new medicat...
This patient did not like his short discolored teeth. He also wanted to replace his missing front tooth. His smile was rejuvenated with Porcelain Veneers and a Porcelain Bridge....
The patient was referred to CB Smiles because of her chipped/dark front tooth. The chipping and discoloration were due to trauma to her mouth when she was younger. Bleaching of the tooth had already been attempted, with ...
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