Preventive Dentistry
Great smile… healthy teeth! Our first priority is your overall dental health. Early detection and intervention are the keys to improve and maintain the longevity of your natural smile, giving you the opportunity to live a lifetime of great oral health and general wellness. We want you to feel confident that your smile will be healthy and look great!
Teeth Cleaning
The basis of sound dental care is routine cleaning and maintenance. We customize cleanings on the basis of your periodontal (gums and bone) health. We help patients understand how they can participate in their own oral health by teaching them the best practices for good oral hygiene habits at home.
Ultrasonic scalers are sometimes used to make the procedure more comfortable and effective as well. Regular dental check-ups and x-rays help us help you stay healthy!
Patients at high risk of dental decay or cold sensitivity may benefit from using additional fluoride products, including mouth rinses and professionally applied gels and varnishes.
Localized Antibiotics
Whenever possible, periodontal intervention utilizes antibiotic therapy rather than a surgical solution. Placing localized antibiotics targets the specific site of infection and prevents periodontal disease from progressing.