Tag: your life

Dentistry Info

Look Picture Perfect on Your Special Day!


It's already mid-April which means Prom, Graduation and Wedding season is about to be in full swing!  Many have prepared in advance for the perfect photos by searching extensively for gorgeous dresses, tailored suits, an...

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Dentistry Info

Why Cosmetic Dentistry?


Life takes its toll. Especially on one's teeth. What we drink, and eat can stain our teeth. We use our teeth constantly. We don't really think about our teeth except when it's time to brush or when something goes wrong. ...

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Continuing Education

2017 AARD Meeting in Chicago


After the whole team attended the 152nd Annual Chicago Midwinter Dental Meeting, Dr. Hartlieb and Dr. Ching continued their weekend by attending the prestigious American Academy of Restorative Denstistry 2017 Meeting whi...

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Bright White Smiles Using KOR Deep Bleaching ™


Whitening (or bleaching) is an extremely popular cosmetic procedure. In comparison to all the cosmetic dental procedures available to enhance one’s smile, teeth teeth whitening is one of the least invasive. It is simpl...

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Say Goodbye to Sleep Deprivation


Sleep deprivation doesn't just make you feel unpleasant- it can also have long-term consequences for your overall health, including high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes.  We can help you determine if your s...

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Sensitive Teeth

What causes cold sensitivity?


Have you ever experienced a jolt of pain while taking a breath of cold air or a sip of a cold drink? If so, you may have sensitive teeth as a result of tooth decay, a broken tooth, worn fillings , periodontal (gum) dis...

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New Year

Happy New Year! What are your new year resolutions?


This New Year, CB Smiles resolves to continue providing the best care dentistry has to offer in 2017. Our office has always believed in investing in dental technology and acquired our first intraoral scanner more than 1...

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Holiday Party

CB Smiles Holiday Party 2016


https://youtu.be/kmammjVD9bQ For our Chicago Beautiful Smiles holiday party this year, we started at the office with cheese and sparkling wine to toast the New Year!  After giving Dr. Hartlieb and Dr. Ching their presen...

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Holiday Cheer

Our CB Smiles Elves Spread Holiday Cheer!


Have you seen the Chicago Beautiful Smiles elves out and about?  One of our dental assistants, Josie, and our business development coordinator, Liza, visited some of the dental specialists’ teams that help care for our a...

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